Adding a cardreader to the LianLi O11 Dynamic Evo using leftover parts

I must admit – the LianLi O11 Dynamic Evo is a pretty good computercase. It is quite expensive, yes, but nevertheless, it has good build-quality, some exceptional new and neat ideas (thanks Der8auer) and it is fun to work in. Sure, some people hate it, because they see it as cheat-code to make watercooled systems look cooler than they probably are while spending less effort getting there, especially with distroplates. This might by partially true, but so what? Haters gonna hate…

Some upgrade-parts that not everybody needs are also available, like vertical (and upright) gpu-brackets and such. However, the Upgrade that is most interesting, is the front-I/O-bracket which – despite it’s name – is mounted on the top side. When using this, you’ll end up having an empty shell where the I/O-hardware has been sitting in. While it is basically waste from now on, I always had in mind to use it for some mod, like a character-display for status-things, or a LED-bar for the same porpose. While thinking about this, I missed another item much more on current PCs, and this is a cardreader. Occasionally i shoot photos with my mirrorless cam flash images for raspberry pis or install some router OS to a CF-Card for diskless router-appliances. Modern PC-cases don’t feature any external accessable 3.5″ or 5.25″ drive bays any more, where a cardreader would have naturally go to in the past. So I made my own…


Updating unsupported 8BitDO-Devices with fwupdmgr

A while ago I got myself an 8bitdo-nes30-controller. I was about to upgrade my controller to a recent firmware version, because the firmware versions >=4.00 offered much better stability on the wireless layer. Unfortunately the lvfs-firmware-updater fwupdmgr did not let me patch from (old link. New firmware is available under to it, because of firmware is not for this hw:

Anyhow, i decided to take the risk to flash the default-firmware for this controller, even if it says, it is not supported, because I suspected, that 8bitdo just keeps using the available Controllers, and was kinda sure, they just don’t documented all of the used IDs, so I digged into the cab-file to make this update work for me (Spoiler: The firmware works just fine).


TL-MR3020 + OpenWRT + Sane = Scan-Server – Die Zweite…

lebeled_LEDsIch war schon länger auf der Suche nach einer vernünftigen Lösung, um eingehende Dokumente (die aus Papier) direkt nach dem Auspacken ohne viel Aufwand einzuscannen, und danach als Bild, besser noch geOCRt (ist das überhaupt ein Wort? egal…) auf meinem Server zur weiteren Bearbeitung als Freigabe per NFS oder Samba/CIFS zur Verfügung steht.  Das Projekt wurde zugunsten Anderer immer wieder aufgeschoben, bis vor Kurzem der gute Ronald von der Schatenseite mit einer interessanten Lösung daher kam: Einen TP-Link MR3020 mit OpenWRT an einen Einzugscanner zu kleben, und auf Knopfdruck den Einzugscanner zu triggern, um zu scannen, und das Dokument auf einem Netzwerk-Share abzuladen. Das war so in etwa exakt Das, was ich gesucht habe, denn einen Einzugscanner hatte ich auch noch (der sollte eh für dieses Projekt herhalten), und auch einen MR3020 hatte ich noch. Ideal also, um das mal auszuprobieren.

Unterm Strich weicht mein Setup dann aber doch ein bisschen von dem ab, was Ronald’s Ansatz war, von daher hab ich mich dazu entschlossen, das noch mal neu komplett von Null an zu dokumentieren…


Add some LCD-experience to your Media-Center / HTPC

in HTPC assembled 40x2 LCD in Detail

Most HTPC-Cases are…mostly crap. Either they have a form-factor, which isn’t usable at all in common living-room-configurations or they are missing some major features you would expect from a HTPC.

Whatever, this shall not be the topic here. Instead we’re fetching a case, which features most of our requirements, and add a ‚useful‘ LCD-setup to it. Weiterlesen

ZFS mount stuck on boot – Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus

When testing the new, natively implemented ZFS on Linux on Ubuntu 16.04, and following some older tutorials, you might get stuck on boot at the following point:

The reaons for this is the paralellized boot-sequence of systemd. ZFSonLinux has it’s own config, on which you can decide to mount ZFS-Pools on boot, which is exactly what kicks in here. Fixing this is easy when you know how to…


WordPress/Nginx issue with Fileupload

I recently encountered a strange issue within the combination of Nginx and WordPress. I worte an article, and uploaded a bunch of images for this purpose. Most images uploaded fine, but a few threw http-errors. My php.ini had a lot higher limit and on the filesystem there was space. The only thing the images which did not upload had in common were, that they are rotated by 90 degrees. I have taken the images with my cellphone, and i knew that some phones put EXIF-tags that say „rotated by 90 degrees clockwise“ instead of actually transforming it. Weiterlesen