ZFS mount stuck on boot – Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus

When testing the new, natively implemented ZFS on Linux on Ubuntu 16.04, and following some older tutorials, you might get stuck on boot at the following point:

The reaons for this is the paralellized boot-sequence of systemd. ZFSonLinux has it’s own config, on which you can decide to mount ZFS-Pools on boot, which is exactly what kicks in here. Fixing this is easy when you know how to…


WordPress/Nginx issue with Fileupload

I recently encountered a strange issue within the combination of Nginx and WordPress. I worte an article, and uploaded a bunch of images for this purpose. Most images uploaded fine, but a few threw http-errors. My php.ini had a lot higher limit and on the filesystem there was space. The only thing the images which did not upload had in common were, that they are rotated by 90 degrees. I have taken the images with my cellphone, and i knew that some phones put EXIF-tags that say „rotated by 90 degrees clockwise“ instead of actually transforming it. Weiterlesen